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IPFS News Link • Healthcare

Recipe: Homemade Eco-Friendly All Natural Deodorant

•, By Lissa Butler
 With summer well upon us, deodorant is essential. The key thing however, is that you want it to reduce odor — not perspiratiom. Sweating is essential for the elimination of toxins and to help cool the body. If you block the sweating response, you interfere with one of the ways the body eliminates toxins.

Just to let you know, the elimination systems of the body are the lungs, liver, lymph, kidneys, bowels and skin. The lungs eliminate toxins through breathing. The liver cleanses the blood of toxins and works with the bowels and kidneys to remove unnecessary bulk from the body. The kidney also filter the blood to remove toxins while aiding in the excretion of excess water as urine.

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