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IPFS News Link • How To

17 Ways To Crime-Proof Your Home

•, Abby Rogers

Realty Biz News recently published a list of 17 steps you can take to crime-proof your house.

And while some of the steps apply more to property managers than residential home owners, everyone can learn a thing or two from these tips.
If you're fixing up a property, don't leave the tools at the site overnight. Always remove them or store them in a secure location that can't been seen from the street.
It might seem obvious, but get an alarm. And make sure your alarm comes equipped with an external siren.
Don't hire just anybody to work on your home. Research prospective contractors, seeking recommendations any time you can.
If you're selling an already-vacant house, make it look occupied. A quick, but effective, trick is to install inexpensive mini-blinds on the windows.
In the same vein, install inexpensive timers on a couple of lamps to give the house of a lived-in appearance.