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Pa. company flew tightrope across Niagara for walk

•, Associated Press

Gettysburg-based Haverfield Aviation Inc. was commissioned by the high-wire artist to fly the lead rope over the falls separating the United States and Canada. Once the rope was in place, crews were able to pull across the two-inch steel cable for the historic stunt.

Pilot Dan Arenson told The (Hanover) Evening Sun ( ) that when he got the call about the project he thought a power line was under discussion, but found out that the project was to allow a daredevil to walk 200 feet above the rushing water.

"I was like, 'Wow, this is pretty cool," said Arenson. "But I thought to myself, it's not going to be easy."

Even for a company used to navigating difficult terrain, a waterfall is an unusual environment, he said.

"The only thing that really caused any challenge was the moving water. It gives you a false sensation," he said. "You have to be careful not to focus on it."

The company, which was originally headquartered in Miami but moved to the Gettysburg area about 15 years ago after a merger with Agrotors Inc., is installs, repairs, and monitors lines in areas that trucks cannot reach.

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