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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Hey, Rand Paul ... Welcome to the Internet Reformation

• Anthony Wile The Daily Bell

Rand Paul keeps making news – bombshell after bombshell.

Just yesterday, CNN ran an article quoting Rand Paul as saying, "it would be a great honor to be considered as a vice president for the Republican Party. I think that would be something that anybody who said otherwise would not be truthful."

So Rand Paul is open to becoming Mitt Romney's running mate?

This comes on the heels of Rand Paul's badly received statement of support for Mitt Romney on the Sean Hannity program.

Many in the libertarian community believe that the kind of pragmatism that Rand Paul is exhibiting is downright destructive. He is setting back the "freedom movement," in their eyes, because he is promoting the viewpoint that it is better to change the system from within.

But perhaps people are not looking at the larger picture. This article will deal with that issue.
