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Prototype Quadrotor with Machine Gun! (FAKED,... but how far off is this?)

• FPSRussia -
(Publisher: "I am told that this has CG effects")
"From a Professional 'Russian' "

23 Comments in Response to

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

 Belated Happy Memorial Day to Geronimo!

Comment by panocha
Entered on:

Everything in this website is fanciful it makes a lie out of the truth, and the truth out of a lie. Let me contributed my share. This guy PureTrust who writes under many names had insinuated to arrange a date with me. So for security reason, I conducted a research of his background. His contempt for immigrants and his intense hatred of the U.S. Government were the focus of the background investigation.

He was born in an Indian Reservation camp. In his mind, the only true Americans in this country are himself and his lost tribe. He hated people who came to this country and became Americans, and their children born here. But most of all he could not forgive the U.S. Government for taking away his ancestors’ land. He was a hobo, had read books stolen from public libraries while pushing his scavenger cart moving from one dumpsite to another picking up empty bottles and dirty cans. Because of his intense hatred of the U.S. Government who killed his ancestors and took their land away after killing them, he only live for revenge that’s why only hate occupies every inch of his heart, and thus incapable of feeling any love. A heart yearning to kill and destroy can only hate but cannot feel love at all much more understands what it means to love and be loved. He was naturally attracted to terrorist-killers like Timothy McVeigh, the Unabomber, Charles Manson, Jared Loughner and even Jack the Riper. He admired what they did, like a consuming obsession it landed him in a nuthouse.

His current idol is Larken Rose, an ex-convict who wants Americans to kill government officials, especially agents, and to shoot cops dead after he was caught and incarcerated as a tax cheat. That’s how broken and dangerous this loco is who wants to arrange a meeting date with me… Ay, yay, Mama mia!

Comment by bayag
Entered on:

Mental physicians and nurses in a nuthouse are really inefficient. By now they should have known that the medicine prescribed to PureTrust does not work. They should have doubled the dosage long time ago. Neglect short of abandonment is the word to describe this guy’s case in a nuthouse that gets worse every time he opens his mouth. It is not fair to the suffering patients in the mental asylum, and to us. We pay our taxes to keep them there but the doctors and nurses are not doing their job well. Avengers for justice want to save this loony from himself but without the cooperation of the medical people, his case is hopeless.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Just curious, but how do you all contact each other so that you all seem to show up at the same time in this forum? Do you use cellphones? Or do you live in the same house, all together? Or is it the same funny farm? Or is it like Larken thinks, that you are all in the same body?

If Larken is right, you have a tremendous amount of skill, jumping back and forth between personalities like that.

If you could just learn to control yourself just a little better in society, you might be able to pass examination for being released from the funny farm. Of course, you don't want to do that, do you? It's so warm, and cozy there. And meals are served right on time. Why leave when you have it so good, right?

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Now, Now, children! Why do you argue among yourselves? You are supposed to be on the same side, aren't you?

Did you ever watch a beautiful snake slithering among the rocks? It's amazing how it moves, the way the sun glitters off its scales. Yet, people watch out for snakes. Many of them have venom that can be deadly.

Panocha. Such beautiful poetry in the words you use. Have you been training with JV and his journalism schooling? You excel even him in your gracious usage of the English language.

You must truly be a woman. Women are often more loving and gentle, even when they don't want to be. It's built into them so that they can treat children gently. Because of this, even though your poetry is beautiful, you are going to need to work a lot harder to catch up to JV, Anonymous75, and brag in your use of venom. However, you are coming along quite well. Keep up the good work. You are making your masters proud.

Comment by Suka
Entered on:

 I like your "joke"!  You mean if the blind Black Spider Widow swallow a man and realized it was PureTrust, she would spit it out?

Comment by Joseph Vanderville
Entered on:

Now girls ... stop clawing at each other. It is not good to our image as a group trying to protect the public. I assure you that not even the sight of PureTrust will attract you both -- not even a Black Spider Widow as blind as the proverbial bat who hungers for a man to embrace.

Comment by panocha
Entered on:

I don't like your dig, Brit. I know you were once a Miss America beauty pageant contestant and this creep should be attracted to you than he is to me.  That should make a good-looking couple out of the two of you -- the Beauty and the Beast.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Panocha, maybe the gods had chosen you to meet this loony PureTrust to procreate and father a tribe of his kind.  I think you should accept your Fate.  You are so intelligent and he is so dumb you might produce a unique specie.

Comment by panocha
Entered on:

My take for today’s Memorial Day… To PureTrust, who has been reported to be a "mental patient" given a space to write on in Freedom Forum for the purpose of attracting attention to hook the ads of unorthodox clients from the underworld: Your attempt to discredit us – a POSITIVE force in this Forum – will never work. But you earned your measly dollar every time you write your nonsense … for talking crazy. That is of course better than picking up empty bottles and dirty cans from the dumpsite to keep you going. You were once a homeless that roamed the streets, so embarrassed whispers in the vine were heard when for some reasons those secrets of a recovering mental patient went viral. Maybe another loco from the nuthouse spilled the beans. That was when they gave you a computer to write with, in the nuthouse where you are now. Correct me if those reports are wrong.

Today is Memorial Day. We honor Veterans like Brag. Volunteers go to the graves of the fallen soldiers to lay a wreath and a drape of Stars and Stripes. That’s how we honor our heroes today, brave soldiers like Brag who put their lives on the line for you. But what did you give Brag today … a shit on the graves of his fallen comrades.

Readers judge who we are and who you are, the way we write and what we write. From what we write, they can judge if we are sane or insane. And this is where you cannot hide your insanity that earned you a place in a nuthouse. Your incoherence and kind of delirium are all over your writings. You can read them yourself – nothing is sane at all … they do not connect with the issues -- all of them! We talked about terrorists and terrorist suspects denied of due process, and what were you talking about? The passages of the Bible, God giving terrorists freedom to kill, etc… ouchs, and what have you!

For example in your comment below, a dirty mouth is expected of you, this no one is surprised, but for heaven’s sake, who would imagine Brag, a soldier, as a terrorist prisoner in Guantanamo? No one else but a mentally disturbed loony like you. Whether you like it or not Brag is a hero who helped grab terrorists and terrorist suspects like you and put them in the Guantanamo prison camp. Terrorists and terrorist suspects like you are NOT the ones who catch soldiers and put them in the prison camp at Guantanamo as your twisted mind tells you and identifies you how mentally sick you are. Read your comment below yourself, and at least be aware of how you are mentally disconnected. Annonymous75 has nothing to do with you anymore. He has given up. But at least you should have listened to JV who is honestly trying to help you. Take your medicine regularly. Don’t miss it.

And you once insinuated to arrange a meeting date with me? Ay, Mama mia!

Comment by bayag
Entered on:

Brag, don’t mind this screwball who doesn’t know what he is talking about. Today is Memorial Day. It is your day. We salute you!

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Relax, brag. Just calm down a little. I didn't mean for you to get all upset like this. Relax. Nobody - least of all me - want's you to get a brain hemorrhage. But it just might happen if you keep on upsetting yourself like this.

I think that most of us in this forum see how you and your comrades constantly twist what people say, and then lie about it all besides. You have your reasons, of course, as I explained below, in other comments, and in comments in other posts.

I know, I know. Your masters are probably going to beat you, again, because you haven't been able to disguise the kind of people you are working for well enough. But if it's gonna happen, it's just gonna happen. There isn't anything you can do about it. You'll just have to take it.

Isn't there any way you can get out of where you are and come to the USA where there is still some freedom left? Or are you stuck in Guantanamo with the CIA the ones who are beating you?

It's a hard life, isn't it? I'll keep on praying for you.

Comment by brag
Entered on:

Reposted without format glitz.

PureTrust, let me quote your mental problem … this is what you said: "EVERYBODY who rejects freedom like you do, does it by his own free choice. Nobody can force you to accept freedom. Nobody can force you to reject it. You do it by your own FREE choice. Between the ears."

We reject your liberty to kill and we deny your freedom to destroy. God did not give you liberty to kill, and God did not give you freedom to destroy. But you really believed God gave you liberty to kill and freedom to destroy and placed them right between your ears. Screwed up minds like yours [that of terrorists and terrorist suspects like you] believed God did. Sick people like you hear voices between their ears. This is the reason why you were told to take your medicine regularly. It was prescribed by your physician to stop you from talking nonsense.

Comment by brag
Entered on:

PureTrust, let me quote your mental problem … this is what you said: EVERYBODY who rejects freedom like you do, does it by his own free choice. Nobody can force you to accept freedom. Nobody can force you to reject it. You do it by your own FREE choice. Between the ears.

We reject your liberty to kill and we deny your freedom to destroy. God did not give you liberty to kill, and God did not give you freedom to destroy. But you really believed God gave you liberty to kill and freedom to destroy and placed them right between your ears. Screwed up minds like yours [that of terrorists and terrorist suspects like you] believed God did. Sick people like you hear voices between their ears. This is the reason why you were told to take your medicine regularly. It was prescribed by your physician to stop you from talking nonsense.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Hi, brag. Why does Ernie allow all kinds of posts in this forum? Because he endorses and upholds freedom... freedom for one person to comment one way, and freedom for another person to comment another way. This is a freedom forum. It's right in the name Freedom's Phoenix.

One of Ernie's favorite sayings is, "Freedom begins between the ears."

I kinda pity you and your group. Why? Because when something makes me sick to my stomach, do you know what I do? I go somewhere else. But you can't do that, can you? You don't have the freedom to do it, do you? You are required to remain in this forum by your boss or bosses: Big Media Moguls who pay you; Al Qaeda and Muslim propagandists that are holding your mind (and maybe you body) hostage; your anti-American religion; your own fascination with true freedom at the same time that you are dreadfully afraid of it.

I need to apologize to you guys. I didn't understand. Having lived in freedom all my life, I didn't really understand what it is like NOT living in freedom. Not until I started analyzing your comments and posts in this forum, that is. And so I have been using some sharp words at times - sharp for me, anyway - to speak somewhat against you. What I should have been doing was sympathizing with your poor, hurt feelings. So I apologize.

I should have been praying that the God of Heaven, the One Who has built freedom into just about everything on earth, the One Who proclaims His freedom to ALL people through His Bible, that He would come and touch your lives so that YOU can realize some of the true freedom that He has given me, Ernie, and many others.

God's freedom is there for you. He is holding it out to you in this Freedom's Phoenix forum, in His Bible, and in lots of places around the world. Won't you please come and take advantage of it? It's really GREAT over here in FREEDOM. It's almost as good as Heaven itself.

But remember the first important thing about freedom. It needs to begin between your ears. I know that you know a lot more about freedom than you let on. How do I know it? Simply because EVERYBODY who rejects freedom like you do, does it by his own free choice. Nobody can force you to accept freedom. Nobody can force you to reject it. You do it by your own FREE choice. Between the ears.

Comment by Joseph Vanderville
Entered on:

Thanks Ann-75 for reassuring me in a nice endearing way that you too mispell the word incantation with an e instead of i. No literary artist has ever conquered typographical error.  Mind you Shakespeare has a lot of it.

Comment by Anonymous75
Entered on:

 The word encantation is a typographical error. It should read "incantation".  It proves that I too am human -- hardly a superhuman I am often pictured to be in this website, and having said that, I may add that to err is divine. Take note, my friends from the right side, before you give me accolade, short of standing ovation.  But don't get me wrong -- I do appreciate it, and thanks to you all.  We will continue to be for and in the side of the public always.

Comment by brag
Entered on:

What relevance is this annoying chanting and citations of the Bible to Ernest's report of the defeat of Batman in the hands of a Russian Quadrotor-machinegun inventor?  Ernest should clean this page of sickos. It makes me feel ad nauseam.

Comment by Joseph Vanderville
Entered on:

Maybe you are right, Annonymous75. But you didn't notice that it triggered PureTrust's adrenalin and once again he went Loco. He went into a delirious encantation of the Bible, like his medicine man Indian ancestors who when fearful of the bad spirit resort to such kind of mumbo-jumbo. Hay, yeh, hay, yew.. ho ... you can imagine PureTrust dancing around the fire as he wrote his nonsense from the Bible.  I already advised him to take his medicine first so that he can focus and make sense before making any comment.  But as I said before he so sick to listen, and just remained as stubborn as a mule.

Comment by Anonymous75
Entered on:

This Russian invention is as old as the tale of Medieval England’s dragons that fly and seek the foul-smelling butts of horse-riding defenders of the Princess’ Castle and obliterate them with dragon fires. More than 50,000 ft. above the ground, a spy-drone can read the front page of newspapers in the newsstands of Moscow and can easily spot this Russian caveman and his toy machine on the ground, and with laser beams blast them to smithereens faster than he can push the button in his control pad. That’s how backward this so-called quadrotor-machinegun invention is today.

Comment by Chip Saunders
Entered on:

I wish this clip would stop getting posted everywhere. It is FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE!!!!


Oh, did I mention it is FAKE?

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

From Revelation 9 (NIV) in the Bible. Remember, Revelation has a lot of figurative stuff in it.

The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss. 2 When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss. 3 And out of the smoke locusts came down on the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth. 4 They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. 5 They were not allowed to kill them but only to torture them for five months. And the agony they suffered was like that of the sting of a scorpion when it strikes. 6 During those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them.

7 The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. On their heads they wore something like crowns of gold, and their faces resembled human faces. 8 Their hair was like women’s hair, and their teeth were like lions’ teeth. 9 They had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle. 10 They had tails with stingers, like scorpions, and in their tails they had power to torment people for five months. 11 They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer).

Comment by Ernest Hancock
Entered on:

I featured another bomb dropping smaller version on the Radio Show today and was told that i haven't seen anything yet. Holy Shit Batman!