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IPFS News Link • Politics

The Pendulum of Liberty is Swinging

• Paul Henry
Today, the news was that a Judge in New Jersey upheld the ACLU’s injunction against “TRU ID”, the New Jersey version of REAL ID. The story is here. This along with Pennsylvania’s recent nullification of REAL ID by a Republican Governor and a very bipartisan bill goes to show that the pendulum is swinging back towards liberty. It seems many have given up and accepted REAL ID, such as our own Governor Scott and Attorney General Bondi, both of whom view it as a federal issue. That is not the case. In addition to the above, the Star Ledger newspaper in New Jersey has come out against REAL ID- something that the news media did not do in Ohio or West Virginia, the last two states to surrender their sovereignty and roll over to federal tyranny. In those states, all the media did was report on DMV press releases.