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IPFS News Link • Education: Government Schools

Interesting Facts About the Student Loan Debt Bubble


04/30/12 Baltimore, Maryland – The outsiders make…the insiders take.

Nothing much happened last week. Except that Ben Bernanke told investors that the fix was in…and the stock market went up. The chief of America’s central bank told the world that he was prepared for more QE whenever it was needed.

When will it be needed? When the stock market goes down!

So, why not? Why not buy stocks? What can you lose? If they go up, you keep the gains. If they go down…ol’ Benny will be there with wads of cash to buck them up.

Cash…cash…cash… How much do you need?

A million? A billion? A trillion? Hey, the sky’s the limit. Bernanke is ready. As much as you need…when you need it.