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IPFS News Link • Animals and Pets

5 Foods You Should Never Feed Your Dog (and a Few You Can)

•, By Dr. Marty Becker

Is “people food” safe for dogs? Some is, some isn’t, and knowing what’s OK to share can mean the difference between a healthy treat and a trip to the emergency clinic.

Poison to Pets

Sugar-free candy and gum

 Read the label of your favorite sugar-free gum, candy or even cough drop, and you’ll likely find Xylitol on the ingredients list. The sweetener has become extremely popular in recent years, and its increased use has led to many cases of poisoning in dogs. The product causes low blood sugar and liver failure in canines. If you carry sugar-free gum or candy in your purse or backpack, make sure you keep it out of reach of your pet.
