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IPFS News Link • Religion: Believers


Why is Good Friday good? Nothing good about the torturous execution of a man two thousand years ago. But it was good because it was God's way to make peace and seek a relationship with us even though we sinned and rebelled against Him!

8 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Good work, Ufactdirt! Spoken like a true Muslim.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

 I expect that as soon as Ron Paul announces his intention to quit the presidential nomination race, his followers will close their mouths in silence, back to nonentity. His campaign organizers and backers will just count how much money they made out of his terminal candidacy while on their way to the bank. They will keep the business profits they made  out of Ron Paul's candidacy until the next presidential election when according to PureTrust Ron Paul and his political investors and commercial backers would make another "deal" to make him run again. I am sure they will declare those "earnings" in their 2012 income tax returns.

Comment by Ufactdirt
Entered on:

Mom & Dad to Johnny & Sushi -- You don't even know where to find the bathroom and clean yourself of weeds and acid that's why you pee and poo in your underwear, and talk retarded all the time like this guy supporter of Ron Paul lunacy. We told you to go to school and at least learn how to pee & poo in the toiletbowl and know how to recite the A, B, C prepatory to a higher learning in life ... and what did you do -- bare your body, put a ring in your nose, expose your genetila as you gyrate to metal music after joining Ron Paul's followers from the "lunatic fringe". It's too late to help you. You have grown your own horn of stupidity not even Obama can help you and you will be voting for Ron Paul in 2012 to ensure your final trip to hell where you will burn with the devil's  tattoo in your tongue.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Me? Challenge your institutions of higher stupidity? They're so mentally challenged right now that there isn't anything I could hope to add.


Mommy and Daddy: Johnny and Suzie, be good children and go off to the institutions of higher learning.

So, Johnny and Suzie go to college. But when they get there, they realize something is wrong. So they join Ron Paul's crusade. Then they go home on spring break. [Jesus said, "Out of the mouth of babes... ."]

Johnny and Suzie: Mom, Dad, there is something wrong with the institution of higher learning we attended.

Mommy and Daddy: We know, children. The economy set up by the institutions of higher learning is collapsing. The house has been foreclosed on; we have to be out by Wednesday; sad to say, you have no more home here; we'll be out on the street, ourselves, since Daddy lost his job; the best place for you to stay is in the college dorm until the tuition money runs out.

Johnny and Suzie: Mom, Dad, we joined the Ron Paul crusade to save the nation.

Mommy and Daddy: Children, that was very wise of you. We wish we had a Ron Paul back when we were your age.


James 2:5-7 (NIV):

"Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? But you have dishonored the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? Are they not the ones who are blaspheming the noble name of him to whom you belong?"

Comment by Joseph Vanderville
Entered on:

Good, PureTrust.  As long as you do not challenge the great institutions of learning and knowledge where I came from, we can co-exist although you are against governance and even though you despise any form of Government. We both can challenge Obama's governance, but not the Government from which he uses his power for himself. As Civilization's permanent Institution of Order, the Government is indestructible! Also you are used to lambast anything the U.S. Government does, but you cannot deride the "Government" of the Heavenly Father like you do of the U.S. Federal Government. The first one is insurrection, the second, is eternal damnation. Just a reminder.

I also want you to know that I part ways with anyone who challenges the inscribed Divine Order of the Holy Trinity and the NATURAL "Government" of the Heavenly Father that we cannot defy unless by using our spiritual gift of Will, we intentionaly want to flip over into the dark side. No mortal loses his soul by accident!

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Great, JV. Now go the next step if you haven't. Make Jesus your personal Savior. Political speeches and battles in this life will ultimately be gone. But Jesus will never die.

Regarding believing in God, James 2:19 (NIV):
"You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder."

Comment by Joseph Vanderville
Entered on:

Well said, PureTrust. You and I need not prove that God exists. I have enough proof in the academe in my four years study of advance religious philosophies [Theodicy and the Theory of the Prime Mover] clearly showing we did not come from worms that crawled out of the sea. Divine scientific discoveries denied that the Life of Man in flesh, blood and soul came from the Big Bang accident of outer space.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

It's so totally a shame that so many people would rather espouse things like evolution or humanism in preference to God. It would be understandable, if nature did not express God in so many ways.But God has left, in nature, this record that can't be and isn't denied by anyone seeking the truth.

The shame is that these God-deniers are going to miss out on eternal life forever, in glory, goodness and love, with God, Himself, as their friend, partner and upholder.

But, God is just. He doesn't force anyone. So, they have done it to themselves by their own free will.

What is a hundred years here, compared to an eternity with God and love?