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IPFS News Link • Healthcare Industry

We Have a Right to Health Care

I agree that we all have a right to "health care." Unfortunately, I disagree with the commonly accepted meaning of that term. My definition of health care is very straight forward. Quite simply, it means: Take care of your health! That's the opposite of living off a nutritionally dead and toxin-rich diet of processed foods, GMO, high fructose corn syrup, MSG, fluoride, aspartame, etc. It's the opposite of refusing to exercise, abusing the hell out of your body your whole life, and then demanding other people pay to repair the damage when everything starts to break.

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Comment by Dennis Treybil
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I heard a new term recently - medical industrial complex

* * * * * * *

There's that wonderful line from McCoy in the Star Trek (The Original Series) episode The Omega Glory.  He tells Captain Tracy:

I can do more for you if you eat right, get plenty of rest and exercise.

I once knew a medical doctor as a friend who told me, "Medicine is a great racket.  The patient does all the work and the doctor gets paid."  Notice McCoy takes the credit "I can do more for you . . .", but he is simply recommending that prospective patients just do what they should be doing anyway.


In 1985 I went to an ER.  I had accidentally kicked a piece of angle iron with the top of my left foot.  Two weeks later it was still hurting.  I feared I had cracked or broken a bone.

I got an x-ray ordered by the admitting clerk, and saw a doctor who read the x-ray himself (not some tech in India) and told me to get a larger pair of shoes.

The pair I was wearing was one I had bought just before I had my accident.  It had the right size written on the box, but was just a tad small.  It worked.

Total cost:  $85.00.  In 1985, most still paid out of pocket, just like I did.  Private insurance and government participation in the health-care market was much lower than it is now.

Today you cannot walk through the doors of an emergency room for less than 700.00 where I live.

This has to be way out of proportion with inflation.

Prices will rise to meet what the market will bear.  When "THUH guvamint" is the payor, the amount of money available is the amount the fed is willing to print.  Prices will go up to where not even "private" insurance companies can stay in, nevermind the poor guy who would rather pay out of pocket.

Last I heard, the individual mandate could be in trouble at SCOTUS.  Maybe we'll all get to see a stake driven through the heart of this beast.

Here's hopin'

DC Treybil

