Article Image Dr. Paul Thomas’ Medical License Taken After His Study Proved UNvaccinated Children Do Not Get Sick


Dr. Paul Thomas' Medical License Taken After His Study Proved UNvaccinated Children Do Not Get S

Written by Subject: Vaccines and Vaccinations

Dr. Paul Thomas' Medical License Taken After His Study Proved UNvaccinated Children Do Not Get Sick 

His 10 year study showed that disease skyrockets in vaccinated children compared to unvaccinated children

We studied every single baby born to my doctors office over a 10 year period. The results were staggering 

Dr.Paul Thomas; 
We stratified the children according to how many vaccines they'd received. 
The data was clear:- 
The more vaccines a child received the worse their health; chronic illness, asthma, ADHD, neurological issues, allergies etc etc 
The unvaccinated children did not get sick. 

This data is so powerful that within 5 days of this being published online they took my medical license away as I was a threat to public health

Because we insist on informed consent we had a growing number of parents refusing to vaccinate their children based on the evidence of harms

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Has he gone the Private Membership Association (PMA) route? Medical PMA's are some of the strongest it seems.
