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IPFS News Link • Religion: Believers

Bulletin of Christian Persecution February 2012 - Bill Warner

• arclein
The underlying hope of the West is that advancing economic development will counter these tendencies over time. The problem of course is to actually get these societies to fully engage in the modernization process and much of what I see is generally disheartening

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Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

Since the US plan is to clearly make any Middle East nation force all of its Christian population out via radicalized Islamic hatred of the people bombing and starving them I really don't care about much of what this bulletin says.  Until the root cause is addressed--an interesting agenda of the United State's government--it is perfectly understandable, though misapplied, why Christians are hated.  They can't strike their enemy but they can strike a perceived ally.

This is not to say religious intolerance does not exist.  It does.    But what is going on currently in the world is a plan.  And it is frighteningly close to its end game.
