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IPFS News Link • Foreign Policy

U.S. Concerned about Alleged Iran's Links with Latin American Drug Lords

• Xinhua Web Editor: Zhangjin
 U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday expressed concern about allegations that some Latin American drug trafficking organizations are linked with Hezbollah and Iran.

"We are concerned about the activities of Iran and Hezbollah in the Western Hemisphere," the top U.S. envoy told the House Committee on Foreign Affairs at a hearing.

Washington brands Hezbollah, a Shiite militant group in Lebanon, as a terrorist organization, while Iran's disputed nuclear program is putting it on a collision course with Washington and its allies.

"We continue to monitor the situation closely. We are aware of and concerned about allegations that some Latin American drug trafficking organizations are linked with Hezbollah and Iran," Clinton said, vowing to take "appropriate action" to counter any threat that may arise.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Powell Gammill
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When I stopped laughing I had to write to say, gosh, I was concerned with your links to Latin American Drug Lords, Ms. Clinton, as well as the rest of the US government cabal.

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