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IPFS News Link • Gold and Silver

Secret $1 million gold stash discovered in French rafters

• Yahoo News
It's not unusual to hear about treasure hunters combing the ocean's depth for gold and other precious metals lost at sea, but finding $1 million in your office attic is quite a steal. And a valuable one too, given that demand for gold has reached new heights recently. In 2011, just an ounce of gold was valued at $1,920.30.
In all, 497 gold coins were unearthed, with the majority literally raining down upon the workers who were busy renovating the building. Minted between 1851 and 1928, the coins have a face value marking of $20 each. However, together they are now worth an estimated $980,000, according to AFP.
Lange says he will keep half of the money for himself, while splitting half with the workers who made the discovery. No one knows for sure who placed the coins in the building, but AFP reports the building was previously owned by a wine producer in the 1930s.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Olde Reb
Entered on:

 lets see.  500 coins with $20 markings. The Fed will probably give you $10,000 in Federal Reserve notes.
