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Brazil Sues Twitter Over Speed Trap, Roadblock Tweets

• Mashable
In what may be the first test of Twitter‘s new international censorship strategy, Brazil is suing the company over tweets that warn drivers of police roadblocks and speed traps. The suit, filed in a federal court in Goias by the attorney general’s office, is also going after users who compose the tweets. Brazil’s government is levying fines of $290,000 until Twitter changes course. The government charges that such tweets break the law and directly endanger “life, safety and property,”

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
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Regarding tweets that warn of speed traps, any HONEST government would welcome them. Why? Because they get the traffic to slow down. And that is what you want in the first place.

Did you ever watch the traffic when someone has been pulled over for speeding? The traffic thinks, now the officer is busy. And they speed up, zooming right past the officer high-speed. Tweet warnings do a lot more to keep the traffic speed down than do arresting officers.