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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Two political pictures are worth 20,000 bad political words! (actual word count is much less)

• The Political Commentator
Heading into today's Florida Primary, the picture below depicts President Obama reflecting on his potential opponents in the 2012 presidential election! And, for all of you political scientists out there, this is a perfect although not very timely lesson in what two flawed candidates should not be doing! In what can only be described as a disgusting display of me-first politics, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich are seeking to destroy each other both from a personal and political perspective in order to win the nomination. While winning this nomination may serve to feed one of their ego's and agenda's while hurting the others, in effect what they are actually doing is their level best to hand Barack Obama a second term in the White House. As Obama sits back doing his best impersonation of looking presidential, Gingrich and Romney present themselves to the nation as the equivalent of two teenagers running for president of their high school class.