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U.S. commandos free two pirate hostages in Somalia

• Reuters
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U.S. special forces swooped into Somalia on Wednesday and rescued an American and a Dane after a shootout with pirates holding them hostage, in a rare raid into the Horn of Africa nation to free foreign captives.

The aid workers, American Jessica Buchanan and Dane Poul Hagen Thisted, were kidnapped from the town of Galkayo in the semi-autonomous Galmudug region in October while working for the Danish De-mining Group (DDG).

7 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Please, won't one of you guys please write it up a little clearer for me, so that all our readers will understand?

Pretty Please !

Comment by Venancio Tan
Entered on:

By the way, it's Charles Manson, the murderer who claims to be a specialist for social engineering. In his mind, killing Hollywood celebrities which he and his drug followers did would alter the established balance of political and social landscape more in favor of freedom. Sounds familiar with the comment below, although somewhat too nutty.

Comment by Venancio Tan
Entered on:

Charles Mason is also a genius, according to his followers. By comparison, he is better-off. I do not begrudge this guy. Who knows, there are I.Q.s better than Eienstein's, even among those in prison for life.

Comment by Ufactdirt
Entered on:

Very enlightening comment, VT. I agree with you 100% and I think the rest of the "normal thinking" public agrees too, that only an abnormal thinking person would disparage this noble deed of the U.S. comandos. You probably noticed the nutty or round the bend comment below showing how disconnected he is from reality. Most likely, he alone understands what he is saying.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

"This is yet another message to the world that the United States of America will stand strongly against any threats to our people," U.S. President Barack Obama said in a statement, recorded in this article link.

But if you keep Obama's words in mind while you Google these two things ...

1. Ecuador plantation
2. Hershey Africa

... you will see that Americans rights to bananas and chocolate are being protected, along with rights to all kinds of other products. Is there anything wrong with that? In simple principle, NO! But look behind the scenes in the Google search pages on the above 2 searches.

Americans are being protected by this act in Somalia, because many American business people are involved in the train and chain of process that brings many of the products from their countries of origin to the United States. And the products that we so freely indulge ourselves in, are often produced in slave-like conditions in these foreign countries.

So who is Obama really protecting? And at what cost to the others? By standing up and protecting 1 American in Somalia, he has shown protection for Americans around the world...


... through providing Americans with many of the products we consume on a daily basis, products brought to us through the big business fascist activities of the U.S. Government !!!

Is this the kind of freedom we really want?

Comment by Venancio Tan
Entered on:

Every normal thinking Americans applauded this fantastic feat of the U.S. Navy Seal of rescuing the lives of kidnapped hostages. This is a commando contingent of the U.S. Armed Forces, a military unit of law enforcers that save civilians from the terrorists’ reign of terror here and abroad. The Government, a government that State-haters condemned to Hell, dispatched this part of the nation’s law enforcement forces to save lives.

I wonder if Powell Gammill and Larken Rose are happy about this life-changing news related to exemplary police work of the Government they despised. According to the angry Rose law enforcers are government jackboots incapable of doing anything good, and thus urges Americans to shoot them dead in every opportunity they can.

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:
 US official: SEAL team in rescue also killed Osama
Navy SEALs Rescue Two Aid Workers in Somalia in Daring Raid   Biden: Obama Ordered Somalia Rescue Because of American’s ‘Failing’ Health