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IPFS News Link • Iran

Agency: Iran shuts down shops selling Barbie dolls

• Associated Press

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Police have closed down dozens of toy shop for selling Barbie dolls, part of a decades-long crackdown on signs of Western culture in Iran, the semiofficial Mehr news agency reported Friday.

Mehr quoted an unnamed police official as saying police confiscated Barbie dolls from toy shops in Tehran in a "new phase" of its crackdown against "manifestations of Western culture."

Barbie dolls are sold wearing swimsuits and miniskirts in a society where women must wear head scarves in public, and men and women are not allowed to swim together.

A ban on the sale of Barbie dolls, designed to look like young Western women, was imposed in the mid-1990s.


1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Lucky Red
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This story makes me giggle no matter how many times I see it.  Here's why:

 Barbie is a trademark of Mattel.  Mattel is one of the "dirty thirty" (one of the 30 companies that own the US Congress and the rest of our corporate government).  There is a trade embargo that prohibits American companies such as Mattel to do business with Iran.  Yet, it is Iran - not the US - that shuts down Mattel's operations in Iran.  This reminds me of the 300 MILLION bucks that Wall Street was safekeeping for Qadaffi as the US denounced and denounced again all the crimes he was committing in Libya and blah blah blah.  He he he...

You just can't make this shit up anymore! 
