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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Ron Paul 2012: Nevada is Key Focus of GOP Candidate's Presidential Campaign


Is Ron Paul betting his presidential candidacy on a Nevada strategy?

Coming off his strong second-place finish in the New Hampshire Republican primary, Paul's campaign has shifted its focus to the Silver State's Feb. 4 primary.

The GOP candidate's crew has decided it is more worthwhile to pour money, "phone bomb" calls and bodies into Nevada rather than expend large amounts of resources in Florida's Jan. 31 primaries, though Paul is spending some time and effort campaigning in South Carolina, whose voters go to the polls Jan. 21.

The gamble may be a smart one, as Paul came in second (albeit by a long margin) to Mitt Romney in Nevada in 2008, besting eventual Republican nominee John McCain. explained the campaign's reasoning behind not making a full push for voters in Florida.

"His campaign manager, Jesse Benton, says they don't have the estimated $9 million they would need to vie for sprawling, expensive Florida," wrote "'We're not gonna compete in a state where we can't fully compete,' Benton says."