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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Raw Video: Protesters Disrupt Santorum

It was a visit to Keene from Rick Santorum. Local liberty activists decided to go and sing him some "chronic carols" (classic carol tunes with lyrics opposing the war on drugs). The Associated Press was there with their cameras and here's the selection of clips from them that has been picked up by FOX and the Washington Post.
In the clips, you'll see two Free Keene bloggers. I'm the guy going up the stairs with the video camera and the CopBlock sweater. The real star is FTL's Tuesday night co-host, Derrick J. he's the well dressed, flaming gay guy holding the "Feds Out of NH - Secede Now" sign.
Derrick is available for interview. He'd be happy to talk about this incident, the war on drugs, secession, LGBT issues, or whatever is of interest to you. Of course, I'm also available for interview.
Happy new year and please let me know how I may be of assistance, Ian Freeman Blogger, 603-513-2449