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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Ron Paul super PAC lampoons opponents with impersonators


A super PAC supporting Texas Rep. Ron Paul’s presidential campaign has posted a series of humorous — if crude — web videos of impersonators sending up Paul’s GOP opponents.

The videos, from a group called “Endorse Liberty,” feature impersonators of Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry reacting to their performances in Tuesday’s Iowa caucuses.

The Romney character brags about having bought peoples’ votes in Iowa, and Santorum’s character blames his eight-vote loss on terrorists while wielding what appears to be a rocket-launcher and pledging to “nuke Iowa — right after we nuke Iran.”

“Any person, place or thing — any noun, really — that starts with an ‘I’ sound is an enemy to American Exceptionalism and should be nuked,” the faux Santorum says. “That means you, Ikea. You’re next.”
Rick Santorum Iowa Speech:

Mitt Romney Iowa Victory Speech:

Rick Perry Iowa Speech:

Newt Gingrich Iowa Speech: