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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Countdown to the Iowa Caucus -19 Days ! Only ONE Weekend Left!


We only have ONE non-Holiday weekend left.. Dec 17-18! We need to make calls NOW!!!

Only 20 Days Until Iowa Caucus!!

The key to Ron Paul winning the Republican nomination is winning the Iowa Caucus. If you want to spread the message, please continue to signwave, table, hand out flyers, make comments online, visit Occupy protests etc. BUT if you really want to help Ron Paul WIN this political election,the best thing you can do is MAKE PHONE CALLS to Iowa!!

We need to create momentum NOW or it will be too late!

#1 Official campaign (voter/issue ID currently calling IA):

This very easy to use program allows you to reach out to likely voters without even having to dial repeatedly. You do need a computer though. Just dial into a general number once, and wait for the system to connect you to a voter one by one. Ask very important survey questions to gain information about a voter and record them!

#2 Grassroots campaign (voter/stump speech ID for Iowa)

For more advanced callers who want to focus on caucus speeches, we are dialing voters one by one to identify Ron Paul supporters AND those that are willing to deliver a 2 minute stump speech at the Caucus. This is very easy program to use as well.

The countdown begins today! I will update the countdown number every day.. please let us know how many calls you made each day to win Iowa and NH. Please vote up and bump this post to get people engaged in making phone calls. This is the way to WIN politically!

January 3rd - Iowa Caucus
January 10th - New Hampshire Primary
Pledge site for caucus speakers in Iowa.

