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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Gingrich says he received Freddie Mac compensation

• AP
Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich has acknowledged receiving personal compensation from Freddie Mac, the federally backed housing agency, but says he doesn't know exactly how much he was paid.

The former House speaker left open the possibility that his consulting firm received between $1.6 million and $1.8 million


3 Comments in Response to

Comment by SamFox
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I forgot to add this link. It exposes Gingrich for what he really is, not what he is pretending to be these days.

Newt is almost as bad a serial liar as Romney. See 'Snakes On A Campaign' by the Southern Avenger @ YouTube. We already should be well aware of 'Obama's  list of lies'. If not, put that phrase in a search.


Comment by SamFox
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Gingrich is a CFR member. He is a liar chameleon & would be another continuation of Bush & others who preceded 0. 0 is doing what Bush & other administrations have done t take the USA into a $ collapse so the govt can be taken over & replaced with socialist style central planing. 

0 is continuing the Cloward & Pivon agenda of Collapse the System. Gingrich, Romney, Perry & Cain would do the same. Only the details & possible the speed of 0's attack on the US might be different & slower, but these would continue the destruction of the US dollar & the Constitution in their own particular way.

 Santorum is a war hawk who has a war monger mentality regarding US foreign policy. Bachmann voted to extend the 'Patriot' Act.

 Only Ron Paul has consistently stood for the USA & our Constitution. For over 30 years he has  worked to have the Constitution restored as the true law of the land. 


Comment by Powell Gammill
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