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Comment by Powell Gammill
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Comment by SamFox
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Gingrich is a CFR member. He is a liar chameleon & would be another continuation of Bush & others who preceded 0. 0 is doing what Bush & other administrations have done t take the USA into a $ collapse so the govt can be taken over & replaced with socialist style central planing. 

0 is continuing the Cloward & Pivon agenda of Collapse the System. Gingrich, Romney, Perry & Cain would do the same. Only the details & possible the speed of 0's attack on the US might be different & slower, but these would continue the destruction of the US dollar & the Constitution in their own particular way.

 Santorum is a war hawk who has a war monger mentality regarding US foreign policy. Bachmann voted to extend the 'Patriot' Act.

 Only Ron Paul has consistently stood for the USA & our Constitution. For over 30 years he has  worked to have the Constitution restored as the true law of the land. 


Comment by SamFox
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I forgot to add this link. It exposes Gingrich for what he really is, not what he is pretending to be these days.

Newt is almost as bad a serial liar as Romney. See 'Snakes On A Campaign' by the Southern Avenger @ YouTube. We already should be well aware of 'Obama's  list of lies'. If not, put that phrase in a search.


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