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UN Warns Of Sharp Increase In Social Unrest


A prominent UN agency has issued a warning that the globe is hurtling toward a long recession, a 40 million worldwide job shortage and an increase in large scale social unrest.

In a report published today, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) warns that the world faces an imminent “dramatic downturn” in employment and urges the G20 to act to “soften the impact”.

Outlining that the globe faces a “new and deeper jobs recession”, the report, titled World of Work Report 2011: Making Markets Work for Jobs, warns that job creation is slowing and worldwide unemployment stands at a record of more than 200m.

“We estimate that for the next two years, the world economy would need 80 million jobs to bring the unemployment rate down to what it was before the crisis” in 2007, said Raymond Torres, who heads the ILO’s research institute.


1 Comments in Response to

Comment by David Jackson
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      Ya think?

       This is all about to be a U.N. "dream come true". These sort second-rate fear mongers and wannabe dictators love this stuff...especially since they are largely responsoble for most of the socio/economic strife on the panet, anyway. (Undoubtedly, these scum are icing champagne and playing "war game" with great anticipation and relish.)

      Keep an eye out for blue "beenies" and helmets, in a city near yours. Oh...for those who are concerned about American military turning their weapons on American citizens, it's not going to be a problem:  If you are shot and killed by a soldier, it will probably be some A-hole from France or one of the many pseudo-Russian nations. It will be someone who actually couldn't care less if your kids are gunned down in the streets, because they hate Americans, anyway. They will, by the by, be wearing blue "beenies" and helmets.

