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IPFS News Link • Economy - International

Anyone can make money in this market crash: Alessio Rastani

• Commodity Online
In a stunning statement, Alessio Rastani, a trader has prophesized that millions of people will lose their savings within a year! However, he qualified the stunning statement with the remark that not only traders but just any ordinary investor now needs to think about how to make money in a down market and protect their assets. Those who don’t act now will see their savings wiped out entirely. In an interview with the BBC, Rastani says “This is not a time right now for wishful thinking that governments are going to sort things out. The governments don't rule the world, Goldman Sachs rules the world. The savings of millions of people are going to vanish” within a year. "This economic crisis is like a cancer, if you just wait and wait thinking this will go away, just like a cancer it's going to grow and it's going to be too late”