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IPFS News Link • Surveillance

Even Those Cleared of Crimes Can Stay on F.B.I.’s Watch List

• NY Times
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is permitted to include people on the government’s terrorist watch list even if they have been acquitted of terrorism-related offenses or the charges are dropped, according to newly released documents

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by David Jackson
Entered on:

   Don't ever believe, even for a second, that a contact of any kind with any type of "cop" will ever be totally expunged! If you call an d report a burglary (you are the victim),  you will enter a "permanent" data-base.

   If the gestapo gets any contact info on you, they will maintain it. And, if at some future time you are contacted again, even as a witness, you will have at the very least a functioning "jacket" that will likely be manipulated against you at some time. If you are a witness in court or have to appear as a defendant, you can just about count on the freak show that calls itself the "prosecution" (persecution) trying to factor it into whatever outcome the "state" desires.

   Solve your own problems! Calling a cop is the "beginning of an end" that you will not be very satisfied with...I am constantly amazed at the vast number of people I come across who believe that "cops are their friends". May the Great Pumpkin help us all! Here's a flash for you: If you're still alive and able, call a cop and all you get is someone who thinks you're fair game to advance a career or enhance standing amongst peers; or, in the worst of cases, someone who will get in the way of the medical personnel who might be trying to actually DO SOMETHING FOR YOU, like SAVE YOUR LIFE. I've said before: Call for medical help, firt. The cops will come, like it or not. With any luck, they will get their late.

    I'm not even going to go into letting a cop search your house...DON'T!

    By all means report crimes that you believe to be in progress. If you can't figure a way to do it without revealling your identity, meet the cops in your driveway or on the sidewalk. Tell them what you saw. Don't say any more than is absolutely necessary. (I've checked, and have been told that you do not have to show identification to report a criminal act - I still don't believe it. Considering the abuse of the Constitution at every juncture in each of our daily lives, I'd speculate that most cops think they can do just about anything they want to, using the notion of "reasonable suspicion". It never matters if they are wrong; you will have been put through the wringer; you will have had your name sullied; you will have lost time from work, if not your job; you will have spent untold money; and, you will have a "record". You will also have been screwed, without being kissed!

   Do what you will. I'm sure you WILL.