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IPFS News Link • Entertainment: Television (TV)

YouTube Preps Launch of New TV-Like Channels


Finally, it’s time to watch your favorite show. The popcorn’s popped, the dishes are washed, the lights are dimmed. You shut off the cell phone, sink into the couch, and turn on … YouTube?

The online video giant – famous for drugged toddlers, Rebecca Black, and quite possibly the best campaign ad in the history of mankind – is reportedly finalizing contracts for its first of more than a dozen channels, which will feature original, regularly-scheduled content on fashion, sports, and other mainstream topics.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Google executives say they want to build a comprehensive video service that will rival traditional TV channels, not just a service to better compete with other Web video sites like Hulu, iTunes and Netflix. Google bought YouTube in October of 2006.


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