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IPFS News Link • Surveillance

Big Sis Tags Coffee Cups With Big Brother Eye


Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Homeland Security’s See Something, Say Something snitch campaign is now so pervasive that Big Sis has extended the message to coffee cups, recruiting jittery coffee drinkers to spot terrorists as part of a deal with the Maryland Transit Administration, which used DHS funds to purchase the ads.

Big Sis Tags Coffee Cups With Big Brother Eye Coffee Sleeve Homeland Security 300x300

The message appears on the sleeve of coffee cups and reads, “If you see something, say something…Report unattended bags and unusual behavior to police or transit personnel.”

The image features a Big Brother eye motif above the lettering.

According to a spokesman, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security provided the funds to pay for the ad and the Maryland Transit Administration duly complied. The DHS has partnered with numerous public and private entities, including Wal-Mart and the NFL, to promote its See Something, Say Something campaign, the PSA’s for which feature predominantly white middle class Americans characterized as terrorists engaging in “suspicious behavior” such as talking to police officers or using video cameras.


2 Comments in Response to

Comment by James17
Entered on:

This will be something that gets out of hand because there will be youth taught to tell on others through the school system. There will be those young people that will inform on anyone they want to see having the DHS raid them, just to watch it happen when the person they report on is innocent of what they will be taken away for. Expect it to happen while these young adults sit around and have their laugh.  

Comment by Ace Karter
Entered on:

AAH Yes, the ILLUMINATI what the majority THINK is fantasy and a few know IS REALITY,

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