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IPFS News Link • Food

Secret Meals for Hungry Children

• Alabama Credit Union - PEOPLE WITH HEART!
With one of the highest poverty rates in the country, 20 percent of Alabama children live below the poverty level. With many families relying on free or reduced-price meals from schools, weekends can be a tough time.
Lack of nutrition prevents students from learning and can cause physical and developmental problems. A growing number of these children urgently need the services provided by Alabama Credit Union’s Secret Meals program. 

 To reduce the number of hungry children, Alabama Credit Union is partnering with regional food banks and volunteers to provide healthy weekend meals through Secret Meals for Hungry Children. We are dedicated to this program and the long-term effects we believe it will have.

Identifying Underfed Children

Students up to fifth grade are identified by school faculty, who watch for certain warning signs: 

Eating everything that is available to them, especially early in the week. Hoarding food as the weekend approaches. 

About The Food Packs

Students receive food packs in their backpacks on the last day of school before a weekend or holiday. This is done anonymously to prevent the child from being singled out or made to feel uncomfortable. Parents or guardians are not usually notified to prevent the food being taken by an older child or adult. Each food pack contains items such as easy pull-tab cans, juices, crackers, etc. All items are child-friendly, nonperishable, easily consumed and vitamin-fortified. The pack’s weight makes it easy for young children to carry in their backpack.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by TommiT
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I taught elementary school for 31 years.  I saw a lot of hungry children.  I had one student who used to help me after school and sometimes on the weekend.  I always fed him because he was always hungry especially right after school.  He told me his parents kept beer in the refrigerator at home, so he horded food for himself and his younger siblings or they went hungry.   That was right here in Arizona.  

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