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IPFS News Link • Food

Raw Milk Unfreedom and FDA Propaganda

• Lew Rockwell
On the raw milk front, has some interesting survey results on comparative raw milk regulations on a state-by-state basis. To summarize, thirty states allow consumers to transact with raw milk producers while twenty states prohibit that act of freedom. And don't forget that federal laws prevent the sale of any raw milk, from anywhere, over state lines. The fed's response to the good white stuff moving over state lines is sending in armed soldiers in full battle gear to destroy the enemy.

5 Comments in Response to

Comment by Enlightenment for yo
Entered on:

Hi German rawfoodist, why are you bringing up this nonsense: The germans won't move in anywhere. They just want to have their homes in a good condition, want to do some meaningful work and left alone from anyone. The US will get destroyed by the Jews. They are bringing down the US, and they can easily do it because they believe that they can just suck out as much as possible right now and use the Americans to do the dirty work for them and then let everything fall apart in the US. They have Israel now and can just make a coalition with other countries at any time against the US, and as far as almost everybody in the whole world is hating the USA right now, they can easily get away with this strategy. The did the same with Germany. Thirst Germany did welcome the Jewish immigrants, they did prosper in Germany like crazy, then many of them moved into the US because they could take out more wealth over there by the cost of the African slaves and the Holocaust of the Native Americans. Then they have betrayed Germany on the end by convincing the US to go into the war against Germany in World War II, the country that has feed them first. The Jews are usually not loyal to anyone, they are just looking for their own advantage and using and abusing everybody everywhere. The US will not just getting destroyed by the Jews, it will get destroyed by the selfishness and stupidity from the people living there and by the bureocrats as well, but under the control of the Jewish lobbyists like AIPAC and so on. This is just how it is folks, if you have dangerous parasites inside your body they will harm you if you are not able or willing to kick them out...

Comment by German rawfoodist
Entered on:

See how much the people of the world love USrael: I have talked to different people all around the world, to Germans, Russians, Spanish people, to Moslems, Christians, Atheists, Spiritual but not religious people and so on and they all have the same opinion (not about raw milk, but about USrael) - they all call the US-government a terroristic organization and they all longing for the total downfall of USrael so they can have a chance again to get the freedom back after the US-empire disappeared. The Iranian leaders are just speaking out what almost everybody in the whole world wants - just listen to this video, especially the first part and you will know how much the people of the world love the USA...!

Comment by German rawfoodist
Entered on:

I want to correct myself: I guess we do not need to kick out the ass from the US citizens too hard. I guess we can just disarm all of them and then put them into a small reservation somewhere in the sahara or somewhere else where are no other people living, so they can not hurt anybody anymore. But wait, I got another idea right now: As far as they have imported Africans as slaves, we can export the US-"American" slave-masters to Africa as slaves for the Africans. What do the US-citizens think about this? I guess this would be real justice! :-) Take it easy folks, this is German humor. :-) But it might come true one day or even very soon when the people you have enslaved and hurt all around the world are getting united to punish you.

Comment by Justice comes
Entered on:

You, the US citizen ruled by the Jews, have stolen the honor and the freedom from billions of people all around the earth, you have enslaved and killed hundreds of millions of people, you have secretly supported the communist tyrannies that have murdered so many good people with unbelievable cruelty, you have used and abused everybody all around the world. You have delivered pain, murder, torture, government tyranny and enslavement everywhere and now you are making a complain that your shitty murderous government does not want to allow you to get the healthy and good tasting raw milk everywhere...!? Do you really think you deserve getting this good food?

Comment by German rawfoodist
Entered on:

Hi gaya, UScitizens should not have any raw milk, because raw milk is too healthy. You need to get weak and ill so you are not able anymore to occupy and destroy the world. So please eat your GMOfood from Monsanto, smoke cigarets like crazy and take all the drugs your doctor is recommending to you. And do not forget to watch TV at least 10 hours a day, so you will get so stupid and depressed that you are not able to do anything productive anymore. Then we can just move in like you did in World War II with us when you have occupied Germany with violence, and then kick your ass out and make a new beginning together with the real Americans, means the Native Americans and give them their freedom and honor back you have stolen from them and you have stolen from us, the Germans.