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IPFS News Link • Energy

The Strongest Electrical Current in the Universe Spotted, 2 Billion Light Years From Here

• Clay Dillow via

Looking for a source of renewable electricity? Researchers at the University of Toronto have found some serious current emanating from a huge cosmic jet 2 billion light years from Earth. At 1018 amps, the current is the strongest current ever seen, equalling something like a trillion bolts of lightning.

The awesome current was found around the galaxy 3C303, whose core is the origin of a massive matter jet. While measuring the alignment of radio waves around 3C303, the researchers noticed a swift and sudden shift in the alignment of those radio waves, the telltale sign of an electrical current.


1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Don Wills
Entered on:

It's not 1018 amps, it's 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 amps.