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IPFS News Link • Torture

Oath Keepers Speaks Out Against Bradley Manning's Treatment

• Slate
Stewart Rhodes, the founder and director of Oath Keepers. 

"He hasn't been convicted of anything!" Rhodes said of [Bradley] Manning. "Look, you shouldn't be punished until you're convicted. It's ridiculous to put him in isolation. And what's happening is happening in violation of the 8th Amendment -- it's cruel and unusual punishment. This shouldn't happen to any American. It shouldn't have happened to Jose Padilla. He should have gotten a trial before he was punished, and he didn't."

Rhodes shook his head. "I think it's abhorrent, but this is the problem with Americans in general -- they don't understand due process. In their minds, if you're guilty, you deserved it. They don't stop and think, "'One day, there but for the grace of God go I.'"