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IPFS News Link • Gold and Silver

Silver's Bubble Has Burst?


Silver loses shine in 20pc tumble The price of silver futures tumbled again on Wednesday, taking total losses to more than 20pc in a week amid fears that the precious metal represented a bubble bursting. In recent weeks, experts have warned that a dangerous bubble was forming in the silver markets. The price has soared nearly 175pc between August and the end of last week. – UK Telegraph

Dominant Social Theme: Too far, too fast. Maybe the run is over?

Free-Market Analysis: The doomsters are at it again. Every couple of months either silver or gold are in a "bubble." This is a fundamental misreading of the current bull market in money metals that probably still has three or four years to run – at least. If it gets that far. We're on record as pointing out that the dollar reserve system likely ended in 2008 when central banks around the world had to pour some US$10-US$20 TRILLION or more into world markets to salvage the banking system for the time being.
