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Arab League Slams Libya Attacks Amid Reports of Growing Civilian Toll

Arab League Slams Libya Attacks Amid Reports of Growing Civilian Toll Amr Moussa Insists Call for 'No-Fly Zone' Didn't Mean Call for Bombardment
by Jason Ditz, March 20, 2011

Having been instrumental in pushing the UN to approve the resolution authorizing the no-fly zone over Libya, the Arab League has found itself quickly regretting its Faustian bargain. Now, with reports of civilian casualties on the rise, they are condemning the massive air strikes by the US, France and Britain.

Arab League Chief Amr MoussaWhat is happening in Libya differs from the aim of imposing a no-fly zone, and what we want is the protection of civilians and not the bombardment of more civilians,” insisted Arab League chief and Egyptian presidential hopeful Amr Moussa.


1 Comments in Response to

Comment by GrandPoobah
Entered on:

To those who side with the Arab League, and the Arab League in general. Here is an Idea. Get your fat spoiled asses up off your harems and do the job yourselves. You are closer, and surely you have the planes (purchased from France and the US, with trained pilots) to do the job. If you are to incompetent to do that, then hire us (He who has the gold makes the rules) and then we will follow your orders, since you are paying. Otherwise Shut the F*** Up, and go back to your lazy self indulgent lifestyles. :-)