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Returning National Guard Troops Set To Smash Wisconsin Protest?


Coincidence or not, the fact that hundreds of National Guard troops are returning to Wisconsin today fresh from battling insurgents in Iraq is sure to alarm union protesters who labeled Governor Scott Walker’s move to put the Guard on alert last week a “threat” designed to intimidate demonstrators who are currently massed around the Capitol in Madison.

In case of a widespread walkout in response to his “budget repair bill,” Walker told reporters last week that he would use National Guard troops to be “prepared…for whatever the governor, their commander-in-chief, might call for. … I am fully prepared for whatever may happen.”


1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Olde Reb
Entered on:

 The irony of this is the (government) troops will be used to intercede in a confrontation between (government) employees who object to their (government) employers reneging on (government) promises made to (government sanctioned) labor groups that exist only because of (government) authorization.

What did RR do when the air traffic controllers demanded excessive largess ??
