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IPFS News Link • China

China rabbit cartoon blocked after skewering govt

A blood-soaked cartoon that marks the Year of the Rabbit by portraying a bunny revolt against brutal tiger overlords has proven an online hit, with its thinly veiled stab at China's communist rulers.
The "South Park"-style video by [soon to be disappeared] animator Wang Bo, in which the persecuted rabbits overthrow the tigers, went viral on video-sharing sites in recent days thanks to its gruesome depiction of a number of recent scandals.

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Comment by Powell Gammill
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Chinese fugitive briefly a web sensation

A microblog purportedly set up by a longtime Chinese fugitive attracted more than 10,000 followers within hours before it was shut down, state media reported Thursday.

A microblog in the name of Lai Changxing, a property investor who is accused of smuggling goods worth billions of dollars into China before he fled in 1999,