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IPFS News Link • Food

Health Freedom: Our Future Is Worth Protecting

This same law also gives the FDA authority to inspect and shut down backyard gardeners, small local famers, small greenhouse operations, people who sell items at the farmers' market, and so on. No, these groups are not automatically exempt from the bill as was claimed by bill proponents: They must "apply" to be granted exemption by the FDA -- a process requiring them to produce tax returns, safety documentation and a pile of paperwork that the FDA can choose to declare "insufficient." With our health freedoms under attack, it's crucial that we take a stand and support our Natural Law rights (God-given rights) to grow our own food and medicine, to buy food and natural medicine, and to sell what we grow to our local neighbors and community members. All these rights are under assault by the federal government, and if we don't work to oppose the tyrants who want to take away our access to healing foods, herbs and supplements, we may end up living in a nation where vitamins are outlawed (or at least the natural, food-based vitamins are), herbs are regulated off the shelves and local farmers' markets are shut down. Instead of getting your food from a neighbor, you'll have to get it from a food factory that passes the FDA's "safety" inspections even though it's still injecting aspartame, sodium nitrite and MSG into its food products. (The FDA considers all those chemical food additives to be "safe," believe it or not.) Why protecting our freedoms is crucial to our health If we do nothing and stay silent, it is guaranteed that our access to natural remedies and honest food will be stolen from us by tyrannical bureaucrats who incessantly work to protect the financial interests of Big Pharma and the sick-care industry. They don't necessarily want you to be well.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Mike Chavez
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If you learn the very limited scope of power that congress has and take a stand based on that, then you won't need to worry about the nonsense congress does.  This is hacking at the limbs, start chopping down the trunk.