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IPFS News Link • Currencies

Elite's Pathological Dysfunction?


Euro will not fail, say Wolfgang Schaeuble and John Major ... Germany's finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has warned those who bet against the euro that they "will not succeed". The single currency won't fail, and the region's nations are determined to defend it, Mr. Schaeuble told German newspaper the Bild am Sonntag in an interview published on Sunday. "All those responsible in Europe agree: the euro is to all our advantage. And that's why we will successfully defend it," Mr. Schaeuble was cited as saying. "Those who bet their money against the euro will have no success," he added. "The euro won't fail." – UK Telegraph

Dominant Social Theme: Fear-based promotions do not exist; the ones we have implemented will doubtless succeed. Hey, wait a minute, forget we said that! ...

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