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IPFS News Link • Space Travel and Exploration

Mars or Bust! One-Way Trip to the Red Planet Could Kick-start Colonization

• Space

The vast plains of Mars may be the most promising place beyond Earth for human colonization, but is it enough for a one-way trip to the Red Planet? Two researchers seem to think so.

In an article published this month in the Journal of Cosmology, environmental scientist Dirk Schulze-Makuch and physicist Paul Davies argue that a manned one-way mission to Mars would not only make economical sense, but mark the beginning of long-term colonization of the planet.


1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

 In this Universe, humans will never run out of space to occupy contrary to the thinking of population scarecrows. Settling in Mars is today’s reality.

"It would really be little different from the first white settlers of the North American continent, who left Europe with little expectation of return," said Davies, a cosmologist at Arizona State University in Phoenix.

Please keep these continuing space exploration discoveries from the eyes of Frostysonomabitch. It might shock him to death to learn that human beings contrary to his delirium would never run out of space – either on this planet, in the Moon or Mars. I fear that this guy would run berserk after reading this published colonization of Mars for humans to live and multiply because this revelation would consign to the trashcan his recycled published works of a lifetime on anti-immigration-population-fear-mongering. He would no longer be able to make money out of it.

Be that as it may, I wonder if Frostytotty would sue for loss of earnings or livelihood [?].

What do you think, Ned? Don't make some fun out of it. I have already a stomach cramp for laughing hard because of your punch-fun of Mr. Frostytution. Starting from "Frosty", this guy has assumed so many white names. He does not only write funny but also sounds funny.

