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IPFS News Link • Police State

Liberty on Tour's Adam Mueller Jailed in Las Vegas

OVERVIEW from Liberty on Tour:

Earlier today [Sunday, 19 Sep], after capturing footage for a video about Food Not Bombs Las Vegas, Adam and I [Pete Eyre] stopped by Weedz Alternatives – a store a couple miles north of The Strip that sells synthetic marijuana – as we heard the owner had been getting harassed by folks with badges.

After learning that the owner wasn’t around, we left our contact info and headed back to MARV, which was parked behind the store in a gravel parking lot on the opposite side of the alley. As we always do, before we parked we had looked around for signs indicating that we could not park there. We found none.

Soon after we returned to MARV we saw a Las Vegas Metropolitan police vehicle cruise by. A short time later two officers approached MARV, one on each side, and barked orders for us to produce ID. The following video, captured via Liberty On Tour’s Qik channel, shows a large chunk of the conversation that preceded the arrest (00:21:06):