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IPFS News Link • TAXES: State

NY cracks down on building trade's "cash" economy

• Reuters

New York state's construction companies will be subject to new criminal and civil penalties if they misclassify employees as contractors to underpay them or dodge taxes, Governor David Paterson said on Tuesday.

In a statement issued after the bill's signing, Paterson said that studies found that as many as 15 percent of the state's construction workers are paid off-the-books or wrongly treated as independent contractors.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Freed Radical
Entered on:
You've got it backwards, Lucky Red. The State is pissed off because they aren't getting their cut of the working slobs' blood & sweat from their "employee" paychecks every week (with the "employer" playing the role of tax collector). Independent contractor slaves tend to write off expenses and spend the money on themselves instead of paying the State for the privilege of enslaving them. The Slave State wants its cut up front...


Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

Screw them!  Declaring employees as "sub-contractors" is another loophole these Capitalist pigs have figured out in order to cheat the working class out of the little pay they get.  So, screw them all and put them out of business so that they can feel what it's like to walk the plank along with the rest of us serfs.  And for all those that scream "ah, oh, uh, job loss!" Screw y'all too.  That's not going to add much to the problem and that's not where the unemployment is coming from but from the mega corporation bastards who laying off people by the scores so they can treat the few that remain under the whip and give themselves bigger raises.  The other half is coming from offshoring of jobs - yea, for all those of you who also advocate for deregulation.  There you go!