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IPFS News Link • Criminal Justice System

Facebook sues start-up for using 'book' in name

Facebook is suing start-up site for using the word "book" in its name, according to court documents.
The complaint, filed in a California district court last Wednesday, alleges that Teachbook is "riding on the coattails of the fame and enormous goodwill of the Facebook trademark," said the document obtained by

Facebook, based in Palo Alto, accuses Teachbook of a slew of crimes including federal trademark dilution, trademark infringement and unfair competition.

"We think the complaint speaks for itself," said Michael Rhodes, an attorney representing Facebook. Teachbook did not respond to requests for comment.

Teachbook, based in Illinois, isn't launching until fall 2010 and many of the site's links are dead. Its homepage says it is a "teacher's community" where users can share lesson plans and seek advice from fellow educators.