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IPFS News Link • Constitution

The Restore America Plan

• Bob Uda
The Restore America Plan is to protect us (We the People) from the tyranny, subversion, and overreaching Obama administration. The Obama administration is attempting to strip us (We the People) of our basic Bill or Rights (as they are attempting to do on a daily basis hacking away at the 1st and 2nd Amendments) as well as to strip all other such rights from us as granted in the Constitution of the United States.

The usurper of a president of the United States (POTUS) ignores and violates the Constitution and is putting the nation in grave peril of imploding. The latest polls today say that 56% of the American people feel that Barack Obama is a socialist. I have always believed that he is a Marxist-socialist who is attempting to fundamentally transform the United States of America (USA) into a Marxist-socialist state. He does not and, therefore, cannot trust the Armed Forces of the United States because they are generally good, solid patriots. That is why he is attempting to destroy the Department of Defense (DoD) and to replace it with his Civilian National Security Force (CNSF) with as much budget and firepower as the DoD.

The Restore America Plan’s “unanimous Declaration” puts the Obama administration on notice that if the POTUS decides to take over the country as a dictator during the next major crisis, his power to do so will be null-and-void. This will allow We the People to take control of the nation as sovereign people, for the people of the 50 sovereign state republics to secede from the Union and to act as individual nation-state republics, and to keep the usurper-in-chief from declaring martial law and to take over as a tinhorn dictator. Indeed, we will become de jure (meaning by law and by right) grand juries according to state rights and to act to do what is right. Remember, former United States Senator Barry Goldwater said, “I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”