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IPFS News Link • Police State

G20 Summit cops get police-state powers

Fortress city Toronto is under even fiercer police lockdown pending the arrival of guests to Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper’s billion-dollar G20 party.

Security forces already have potentially lethal weapons such as the ARWEN anti-riot rifle with which to protect the likes of US president Barack Obama.

He’ll be taking time off from the BP oil spill disaster to do nothing special. But it’s doubtful if he’ll be hauled over the coals for doing so, unlike BP boss Tony Hayward.

Now police have been given Draconian powers. Just in case.

Under temporary new regulations, anyone who comes within five metres (a little more than 16 feet) of the security area must give police their name and state the purpose of their visit, says the CBC, going on >>>

Police, at their discretion, can deny access to the area and “use whatever force is necessary” to keep people out.

Anyone who refuses to identify themselves or refuses to provide a reason for their visit can be fined up to $500.

The new rules also give police the power to search anyone who approaches the fence.

“The public has nothing to fear with this legislation and the way the police will use this legislation”, the story has sergeant Tim Burrows of the G8/G20 Integrated Security Unit promising. “It really comes down to a case of common sense and officer discretion.”

But the word of the police is law.


If someone “has a dispute with an officer and it goes to court ‘the police officer’s statement under oath is considered conclusive evidence under the Act’,” the CBC states.

The police-state powers, which are in effect now, will be taken off on June 28, says the story.