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New Blackberry Models Unveiled

• Huffington Post

Research in Motion unveiled two new BlackBerry models, the BlackBerry Bold 9650 and BlackBerry Pearl 3G.

The phones are not radically different from earlier versions, but do offer several new features.

According to The Street, the BlackBerry Bold 9650 is "a candy bar smartphone with a 3.2-megapixel camera, a 'large, high-resolution screen, GPS and Wi-Fi (802.11b/g). It's made to work as either a quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS or dual-band CDMA/EV-DO (Rev A) phone.'"

The BlackBerry Pearl 3G is reportedly the smallest BlackBerry yet.

Gizmodo says of the Pearl 3G;

The itty-bitty gadget will offer UMTS/HSDPA and Wi-Fi (b/g/n) support along with GPS, a 3.2MP camera, an optical trackpad, a microSD/SDHD memory card slot, and all the goodies BlackBerry users are addicted to such as BlackBerry Messenger and BlackBerry App World.

The Pearl 3G will actually be offered in two different models: The 9100 which will have a 20-key condensed QWERTY keyboard (aka RIM's SureType) and the 9105, which oddly for a BlackBerry, has a 14-key T9 phone keyboard.

The two phones will be available beginning in May. The Pearl 3G will be on the Bell, Telus, and Rogers networks in Canada, while the BlackBerry Bold 9650 is heading to Sprint May 23 for $200 with contract.


1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Donna Hancock
Entered on:

Someone has been posting unappropriate racial comments on Freedom's Phoenix purporting to be Ernest Hancock. While we try to keep this site open to all for the purpose of having a free press, some chose to use it to misguide others. Ernest Hancock is not posting these comments, and we apologize to all who were exposed to such a falsehood. All you have to do is look at the articles and listen to Ernest's radio shows ('Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock') archived on this site to know that Ernest has ALWAYS stood up for the smallest minority, the individual.

We have addressed this issue with our webmaster and will block further attempts from this person to post additional comments using Ernest Hancock's name.

