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IPFS News Link • Activism

Showdown In Searchlight

• Ed Vallejo Productions! LOL
This video is a 'short version' of what all went down in Searchlight, Nevada Saturday March 27th for the kickoff of the 'Tea Party Express', what one signmaker who attended called "A Front For Socialist Republican Party".

Speakers were slated to be Sarah Palin, Wayne Allyn Root, Dick Armey, Joe the Plumber, and Victoria Jackson, as well as several radio personalities (Dick didn't show).

Doran and I started our day at 6 a.m. putting up the 20' signs in all three directions approaching the event, which took us until 9 a.m. to complete (including a polite conversation with Nevada DPS).

By then, it was double lanes of vehicles in both directions for miles to get into the grounds. We got in line at 9:45 after many phone calls with those inside as to how to get us in, and we spent two HOURS crawling our way to the entrance, only to be turned away because we were told that there was no more parking, but the reality of the reason was that the several busses that drove to the front of the line and allowed in parked RIGHT INSIDE THE ENTRANCE WHERE THE STAGE WAS, and after we parked a mile away and walked in there was plenty of room inside. We guestimate this caused no less than 5 THOUSAND people to be threatened with being towed by DPS if anyone parked along the highway (which they did anyways) and have to walk in.

Donna Hancock filmed us on the side of the hill while we held up 4' x 8' banners during Sarah Palin's speech - look for them on YouTube somewhere.
Look for lots more footage soon on my YouTube Channel - Psychictaxi.
