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IPFS News Link • TAXES: State

Oklahoma Senate Approves State Grocery Tax Repeal

• The New York Times
An Oklahoma State Senate Committee approved a bill that would repeal the state's tax on groceries once state tax revenues return to where they were before the economic downturn.

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Comment by RickStone
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 Let me get this straight, the food tax would be repealed after the economy is in good shape and people can more afford to pay it. So, when people are finished enduring the hardships of the recession and being taxed on food when they really can't afford it and making life harder the tax will be repealed ? You have got to be shi**ing me! The article says "Gumm acknowledged now is not the time to eliminate the tax, which would cost the state an estimated $406 million each year" Eliminating the food tax would not "cost" the state a dime because the state does not have any money and does not make money, they only take away from and use the money that belongs to the people. Allowing the people to keep the money that they earned seems to put a sour taste in the mouths of politicians. Some how they act like they are entitled to our money and are doing us a favor by letting us keep our hard earned money.  How dare they act so smug and high and mighty. Vote the bastards out!!!! and if that doesn't work throw them out!!!

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