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IPFS News Link • Immigration

White Americans' majority to end by mid-century

• AP
 The estimated time when whites will no longer make up the majority of Americans has been pushed back eight years — to 2050 — because the recession and stricter immigration policies have slowed the flow of foreigners into the U.S.

Census Bureau figures released Wednesday update last year's prediction that white children would become a minority in 2023 and the overall white population would follow in 2042. The earlier estimate did not take into account a drop in the number of people moving into the U.S. because of the economic crisis and the immigration policies imposed after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.

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Comment by TL Winslow
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All doomsday predictions are seriously flawed since nobody can see the future and despite all the bad things the world generally gets better each year. Instead of letting the future happen, why not try making it happen, starting with workig to end the current paradigm of a leaky unidirectional sieve at the U.S.-Mexico border and a backward Mexico that breeds poverty, injustice and crime by making the border go poof and letting it become a 2-way highway so that what's left of the poor beleaguered shrinking white majority can move down and turn Mexico into a sector of the U.S. with all the goodies and perks. How? The Megamerge Dissolution Solution, which starts with a bipartisan Congress inviting the people of Mexico to junk their failed country and corrupt govt. in favor of joining the U.S. as 10+ new states and creating a model bilingual nation that takes on the world. Chances are that nothing bad will happen, but instead great things will, starting with doubling, tripling or quadrupling the GDP of that sector by 2050. Read about the MMDS at