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IPFS News Link • Law Enforcers or Peace Officers

The Thin Blue Whine, Pt. I: Petulant Police Demand Impunity - by Will Grigg

• Pro Liberate
Humprheys was put on administrative leave (which is a "money for nothing" proposition) after shooting a 12-year-old girl point-blank with a "less lethal" beanbag round during what we're all but required to call a "fight" or "altercation" on a MAX train platform in Portland. The 12-year-old, who was banned from traveling on the train, put up what resistance she could when Officer Aaron Dauchy tried to place her under arrest. She was down on the ground and wasn't going anywhere when Humphreys, after circling around to find the best angle, shot her with the beanbag round.

3 Comments in Response to

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

>> Police have become a new catagory of thugs, bullies and criminals...../....The new blue mafia .....

I carried a badge for thirty years and you're quite right, Mr. Stone.  What law enforcement has become sickens me. 

Both of these clowns should be, and would have been, re-assigned to desk jobs and go-for duty, but that won't happen.  While police, in their taffy mentality, consider themselves 'public servants', in reality they are actually in the business of cattle control.  

Comment by RickStone
Entered on:

 Police have become a new catagory of thugs, bullies and criminals that would other wise be unemployable and or in jail if they were not police. More of them need to go to jail for their actions and it needs to be very public to send a message to the rest of them. The new blue mafia needs to be broken up and disbanded for the good and safety of  the people.

Comment by Mel Mason
Entered on:

Judge, Jury, Executioner...